Thursday, 19 March 2015

Problem we faced when filming

Due to us filming with expensive equipment in a studio that is often in use and us needing a cameraman/woman, filming the live performance was tricky to arrange. Although to arrange filming was tricky, we did however manage to film on six different occasions. On each of these six occasions we would have to wear the same outfits and I would have to bring my guitar and amplifier. As I could not always bring my guitar and amp, this meant that we could not film at anytime. The drama studio was also often busy and therefore we had to book our time of use well in advance. We also had to borrow a guitar, an amplifier, a microphone, drums and a microphone stand. This again was not always convenient and there was an occasion when there was confusion with the drums and the drums we used in a previous shoot were not available and we therefore could not film. We also had to borrow the camera and lights, and on one occasion the camera did not work, which was another time where we didn't get any footage. As well as this we needed a cameraman/woman every time we filmed as the original shots we used on a tripod were not interesting enough, meaning that every time filmed there had to be someone filming who we instructed.

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