Thursday, 26 March 2015

Album back cover

The back cover of my digipak follows the forms and conventions expected within this genre. The back cover contains the order of the songs of the album (all of which are by The Strokes), the record label, the band log, the rights and the bar code. The albums colour has been edited along with the blur effects to create the continuity with the rest of the digipak. The back cover is another pose and shows the band in a different location and offers a change from the front cover.

The band pose on both the back and front cover, much like Oasis' Definitely Maybe, which influenced me greatly on where to put the photos regarding the position on the digipak. The Oasis album has the band again at the same location of the front, doing a different pose with the band members positions mixed about with different people enjoying more/less focus. Our cover has the band members mixed up and different members have more focus.

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